Friday, 4 June 2021

Grant Cardone Sell Or Be Sold Review

The book “Sell or be sold”: how to really get your way in operation and in life (to provide the book its full title), is for sales agents or entrepreneurs and about just anybody who needs to persuade, negotiate and convince others to obtain what they need.

Grant says himself “Your capability to persuade others determines on it's own how well you is going to do in every areas of your life. This book is based on the self-published book by Grant called “sell to survive” which includes been reworked and adapted to become his fifth book.

​The book covers twenty two chapters from “selling is really a way of life” to quick suggestions to conquer the biggest challenges in selling. At he end of every chapter, you are asked a series of questions to see when you yourself have comprehended the important thing points of the chapter before continuing with another chapter.

Lets take chapter one; Selling: A Way Of Life in the book. Here Grant divides this chapter under four sub-headings ( I've put a one sentence summary) over twelve pages. Selling is prerequisite for a lifetime; we're all in sales, we sale ourselves everyday, even although you don't know it.

The Commission; if the sale is successful this will come in many forms.

Beware of False Data; people base opinions on wrong or inaccurate information often accepted as fact without any research, when its so far fetched it becomes urban legend.

Look selling is crucial to survival go now; You could have the best people, the best spot to work, but no sales, means no survival, sales could be the income and no income no business.

The QR book or ebook in PDF format was and is for people with very little time, don't read books and don't particularly pay attention to podcasts or radio etc. In the age of millennials this woulds seem a great compromise.

The three formats blend together to produce a more enriched learning experience and I would highly recommend (I have all three) them used in the way I describe, it will help.

Grant Cardone Sell Or Be Sold Review

The book “ Sell or be sold”:  how to really get your way in operation and in life (to provide the book its full title), is for sales agents ...